What Medication??

so I totally forgot to take my mess for about 3 days!

I’m in New York doing an internship and there was just a slip of my mind. No it doesn’t have anything to do with not wanting to take it anymore, I seriously forgot.

I couldn’t sleep, I was feeling good but tired, a little little edgy, and it was because I totally forgot.

New York is great! I’m running around like a New Yorker, doing shows, learning, feeling like I’m actually helping out my boss, so I feel good!! She is super great but a little stand off ish. I think that just may be her way of dealing with assistants, but I’m trying to change that.

Anyways I got a great You’re Just Like Me coming next week and hopefully more updates on the blog.

But enough about me..

Hey YOU! You doing okay??

2 thoughts on “What Medication??

  1. Death in family but thank God not kids, dog or Craig, or….me
    have a good time and get right back on those meds, beautiful
    (I hate when people told me that, but I want you to stay the hell outta the dog kennel and not wind up like yours truly)
    love you!!! Good to hear from you!


Rant on, my friends!